
Happy Halloween - Throwback!

published on 31 October, 2013

Picture taken on October 30th, 2013 by me.

I couldn't express how glad I am that it's Fall. I could remember, from way back in the day, when teachers would assign me writing assignments asking what my favorite season was, and I'd always say Fall. The main reason was because of Halloween! 

Ever since a young age, Halloween was very important to me. The picture below was from my kindergarden class of 1999. I was dressed as one of my favorite character, from my all time favorite cartoon, RUGRATS! I literally watched this show every day, and secretly still watch clips of Rugrats Goes to Paris. Don't judge me. 

(Halloween 1990- I'm the furthest to the left) 

Since it's Halloween, and it's a Thursday, I thought it would be perfect to give a Halloween Throwback.

What were some of your favorite costumes as a child?

Sudden Inspiration

published on 28 October, 2013

It's 1 A.M. right now. I don't have class until 10:50, so I'm in no rush to go to bed. I was randomly surfing the web and ended up looking at a few blogs. I swear it's a trap. Once you read one, you end up reading 20 more. I've never got into the blogging scene. I admire those who could keep up a blog, and actually have things to post about daily. I've finally come to the realization that the reason people blog is for their own happiness. If your only purpose for blogging is to satisfy what you think others will like to read, it won't last. Hopefully I can finally be true to myself, and document my life on this blog. After all, I've through a lot.

Until next time.